When we check about the most popular women’s careers we find that journalist is still one that remains on the top five too even with the open wide opportunities of new careers and fields of jobs that are available for women every day, a part of us still prefers the idea of being behind the screen and even be the one in charge of edit and write the news.
The journalist career is exciting but there is no secret that on this day it is more difficult than never, the information world is a very competitive field, and on the same way is important to note that be on works like the ones who are in charge to present the news every day on a tv channel or those who has their own popular interview programs demands more than just a college title.
To do the most popular journalist works you need to start usually on the lowest stage of the range and get what we call experience, is the accumulation of years working on the field and doing the job who usually the most part of the people on this area doesn’t want to. So on this first part of your working days you can discover yourself traveling with very low conditions.
Working more than the regular hours of work, covering non interesting facts and still be under the constantly demand of an implacable boss, the salaries on this stage are also low too and you can feel that the whole world is above and against yourself.
If you really love this career you will wait and do your job and wait for the opportunity to climb into a better position after two or three years, but if you are thinking that is easy to get on the top without passing for this is time for you to understand this conditions.