Laundry is this activity that we usually forget about its existence until we can`t find cloths on the closed, and we discover a mountain ready to be washed, this is a common fact no matter if you live single or on family and by the way until the mountain grows the time you will spend on doing the laundry will also increase.
The first tip to deal with these not exciting activity is to have control on the cloths your waist every day in order make it ready for the laundry by separating on colors and pieces, and on the same having a control around d quantity will make you ready to find when is accurate time to do the laundry before it gets too heavy, like it happens often when we don’t have control around it.
In the same line of tips, the next ones you have to know to do your laundry in an efficient way is to use the bowls with water and some special soap to remove marks and dirty from your cloths specially tops, pants, and underwear before throwing it into the washer machine, by doing these you will be saving energy and by the way your pieces are going to be deeply clean.
If you have kids at home well the work is the same and in more quantity but you can still applicate the same advices to do the laundry specially by being separating their cloths every day and using the same tip to remove the dirty from the more exposed pieces.
Remember also to set the rule to them that put the used cloth on a single place this will make easier to you to manage and do the laundry without wasting too much time.