Australia is an exotic country with some familiar air, this makes these place unique in the world because it offers us at the same way the opportunity to discover an entire continent with these home feelings that only comes from a place who share your language and some of our ways of living.
Perhaps of it Australia has its own difference from our continent and Australian people has their own traditions and of course they right now represent also a culture apart from the one we have, including they accent is so different from the American English and British traditional one, that’s why one of the first things you can note on the first day there is some difficult to understand what peoples says.
On the same wave there are some useful advice for you specially if you are visiting for the first time these land.
First is for your security so remember that Australia is a placed full of natural wonders, excellent beaches, lakes, desserts and forest, but on all these environments there are the most dangerous predators on the world, Australia is a territory that is full with species who can represent big danger for you and your safety.
Starting with crocodiles, sharks, jellyfish, and even kangaroos, all these species and some other ones I no mentioned are dangerous on nature state, that’s why the first tip for you on Australia is to remember pay attention to the signs established to warning you about possible presence of predators and to delimitate places to walk and to swing.
Avoid to go alone or by yourself to natural places, go with at least one company is recommended specially in case of animal’s attack or with some natural season circumstances like fire that is usually present on summer.