This is sometimes the dreamed job for a lot of women who also loves the idea of frequently fly in an airplane, of course is not an idea to be thought with persons who are afraid to fly on airplanes or that hate the idea of being in a constantly traveling way of life, by the way there are a lot of women that specially has a romantic idea of being a fly attendant.
The idea of this article is not tear down your dreams of being a fly attendant is one of them, but the goal is to tell that as other profession type this kind of job has its own characteristics and a lot of them runs very apart from the common idea that general people has of being a fly attendant or a cabin crew.
Before starts, let me tell you that been a cabin crew is on the same way a good career that will give more experience than a lot of other options, but it has its own negative parts, starting by the way of being constantly traveling, initially this sounds greats but when you are on this job for more than six months you can start of feel tire about it.
As on other careers being a fly attendant that work on long distance flies and rest on the best hotels is not the job that you will obtain from the beginning, instead of it the major part of cabin crew starts attending domestic flies on usually very small planes and resting in a cheap hotel rooms with the rest of the crew with very low privacy.
On the other hand, serve other people could be very annoying sometimes and on this profession you have to learn how to deal, hide and delete the angry.