The answer is yes but at the same time there is not easy or express way to get that and for it your first investment should be time and efforts, there are different kinds of jobs and even the ones we find as ideal ones because they come with the usual imagine of less works really demands effort, to do it and to climb into the position they have.
The jobs who usually involves less effort and more incomes are those directly related with professional fields like medicine, engineering or management business, all of them demands a study background first, medicine as an example requires more than five years to obtain the basic diploma and then you need to move after some specializations and post degree programs in order to obtain a high position.
Medicine high position as an example demands time of job and experience to get that, a chief doctor is more like supervisor and has less hours of effective job than a common one, the same thing use to happen with the version of management that comes with the figure of a high executive, this one is on high planning step.
All this different kinds of high position accomplish the figure of work less and earn more but on the same way you can see that they have a background or a path that you need to follow to reach then, and they usually are the end or final step of professional career. So if this initial phrase is your goal than you need to study first.
After it you need to find the right job and then you need to add hours of working and time all in order to find what some experts call the top of your professional mountain.